For the Widows

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.

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For the Widows came about at the prompting of the Spirit of the Living God over several years. I realized that many widows are left financially insecure and many are not sure what to do. The purpose of this new ministry is to help the widows. Every cent that comes in will be distributed evenly to the widows that we are helping. 

Who We Are

The Marzulli's

Years ago when my friend David S. died from prostate cancer, in his early 60’s, leaving his wife alone and financially dependent on help from family, his passing really impacted me and so knowing of his widows need we began to donate to her on a monthly basis. She was overjoyed and was very thankful to say the least.
Since then other men have died leaving their wives as widows. Many of them do not life insurance or have enough money to keep their widowed wives in their houses. 
My good friend Richard Shaw’s passing was the event that made me realize we had start a new ministry to help the Widows in need and that’s why we created For the Widows.
James 1:27 tells us this: Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
We will initially start with five widows in need and depending on donation that we receive we will increase the “roster.”
I promise you that every cent that comes in will be distributed evenly amongst these women who need the help now.


Send a Check to The Church Alliance in the FOR box please write – For the Widows.
Your contribution is tax deductible is The Church Alliance is a registered non-profit 501c3.
At the end of every month we will write checks to the widows and distribute the funds evenly. 

Mail To:

Spiral of Life/L. A. Marzulli
1050 E 2nd Street #220
EDMOND, OK 73034

UPDATE: As of February 2022 we have five widows in the roster and will not be able to add to this until we see the response we get. However once we open things up as the Lord blesses you will be able to submit names of other widows who need help.

Here’s what we need.

I will personally contact the widow and talk to her and then we will pray.

Meet The Families

Lori R.

Her husband passed away from COVID. She needs help.

More Info Coming Soon

Connie W.

Husband passed leaving her financially dependent on others.

More Info Coming Soon

Pele S.

Her husband passed away from Prostate Cancer.

More Info Coming Soon

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